Monday, October 13, 2008

Chi Running (after the honeymoon)

As I said in my last post, reading the Chi Running book was truly inspirational on that first run.  
So after almost two weeks or so of Chi running I've had mixed results, which is to be expected.  I went out and bought the book and have been reading it on and off since.  At first I had posted some really good times for me.  Then I think I got caught up in the whole speed thing and my form fell apart, which in turn made me slower.  After going back to the book and doing some serious reading, I realize that I need to slow down and focus on my form.  I was hoping to find a seminar locally, but being so late in the season, it doesn't look likely.  So it looks like it's just me and the book.

I've run 6 out of the past 9 days and spent the last 4 focusing exclusively on form.  This week is supposed to be a light week before the 5K on Saturday.  Form will be my primary focus for the two runs before the race, which should translate into speed.  Hopefully I will finish sub 28 minutes, but I'll still be happy with anything in 28 minute range.

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