Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some short trips along the way

It's been a little while since my last entry.  And while I'm still averaging a little over 12 miles a week, it has been noticeably more difficult to keep myself motivated.  I used to run so I could post my times on Nike+ and Runnerplus and comment on runs posted by my friends.  I guess the novelty has started to wear off.

So... in an effort to keep myself driven, I've decided to do a 5K each month.  10Ks would have been better, but the way schedule worked out, these 5Ks will have to do.  My first one is on October 18th and my goal is to finish under 28 minutes or close to it.  I also have ones scheduled for November 9th and January 1st.

I was talking to one of my coworkers about doing the NYC half marathon in July and she said that she was doing the NJ half in May.  We agreed that we'll both run it next year.  I started recruiting other runners at work and I'm up to 5.  Being realistic about the holidays, I've decided that I won't start training for that until January.  Hopefully this won't hinder me too much.

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